The Treeview

The treeview represents a hierarchical view about the different pages inside this application. It's organized in a structure which allows, more or less, fast access to one of the viewers, like in the EventlogViewer or the EventlogAnalyzer. The tree consists of elements, which are called nodes and there are two different types of them:

The graphical representation of this nodes depends on the fact, if subfolders are visible or not and is shown below [like one see it in the treeview on the left]: Each node may be selected by a single left-click with the mouse. If the clicked node is an item, it is just displayed. To select items or pages, one can easyly jump from one node to another one by clicking them with the left mouse button. What's happening, if a folder is clicked, depends on the current state of this folder. If the folder is opened [which means, it displays it's subfolders], it will close. If the folder is currently closed [which means, it does not show any subfolders], it will open and present the subfolders. The folder-symbol switches between the opened symbol and the closed symbol [see list above].

The Controlpanel

The controlpanel has two control-elements, buttons in this case. One is dedicated to hide and show the navigation element [the treeview] and is displayed on the left side of the top-right frame, like shown in the image on the left. There are a left-arrow and a question-mark, which are the controls.

Clicking the arrow hides or displays the navigation-frame. While viewing large tables, it is a useful option to have the navigation hidden.

A nice helpful feature is, that the controls on the controlpanel give some hints about it's usage, if one moves the mouse over them. Regard the mouse-pointer!

The Tableviews


This application mostly presents data in, more or less, huge tables and these tables do not fit into a normal window. Using the controlpanel to hide the navigation frame is one option, but also then, eventdisplays are sometimes not very good readable. Many tables therefore presents a DetailView, which shows an events data on top of the current table. This feature is present in all EventViewers and in some other tables also. This feature is simply activated by doing a single left-mouse-click on a given tablerow.

Although the MainView looks like a usual table, it has some features present:

The last mentioned feature just helps you to recognize, what is new in the current display since you have visited this view the last time.

Regard:This feature depends on some settings of your . See Browser Settings.

You'll find a small demonstration in the image below. Regard the borders! The actual image display exact one new event since the last visit.


The image below shows an EventlogViewer screen, with the DetailView open, while the navigation-frame is hidden. Remember:This feature [the DetailView] is simply activated by doing a single left-mouse-click on a given tablerow.

Regard:If the table is very large, activating the DetailView needs possibly a little time, depending on the speed of your machine.

The DetailView has itself some useful features present:

The image on the left represents the DetailView with the menu visible. The menu will be activated by a single left-click on the menu text!. The individual features and their corresponding menu-actions are described below. A feature is activated by doing a single left-click on one of the highlighted menu-items.

menu:copy as text

The text of the currently opened DetailView is copied to the users clipboard for later reference;This might be used to send it to a helpdesk-system or just to remember this event in any form, like save it to the harddisk.

menu:copy as html

This is similar to the copy as text menu-action, but the table is copied as html-text. This might be used to save it as part of a documentation. Sad to say, but there is no direct way with to copy it to the clipboard and let the clipboard recognize, that the used format is really html. This action just copy it as html-text!

menu:mail as text

This feature opens the users mail-client and prepares the subject-line and the text-body with the event-data. This is mainly used to send the text to a helpdesk-system.