


Version Date Description
B1 2004-Apr
  • Implement the first version which works as a NT Service.
  • The re-animation has partially to be updated:The EventCollector uses only one fixed timer-interval for all operations, like determining the states <suspect>, <waitconfirm> and possibly the <unreachable>. But this means, if the interval is set to one hour, the keep-alive message will be sent after two hours [because there are two states between] and this interval also works while the state is <unreachable> and continues to be used in this time. One could find this very ugly and I'll start thinking about two different intervals, one for all more or less working states and another one for all more or less error-states. This would allow faster re-connect after error. Additionally, this would reduce the number of events to pull from the remote machine, after a re-connect was detected while the flag readExistingMessagesAtStartup is set.
  • The ServerService needs a method to send an e-mail for testing purposes, just to verify the settings in the configuration file.
  • In the ServerService, the defintion of the objectURI for the remoting management interface has to be setup via programming. This is due to the fact, that there can be more than one instance running at the same time, for example, while debugging.
  • We sometimes receive eventlog messages, even while dipsoing. The eventhandler must be changed to regard the "isDisposing" variable.
  • In console-mode, echo the fatal-errors to the console too. Currently, they are only written to the eventlog.
  • THINK:A EventCollector should log to the eventlog by raising an event and let the EventCollectorService log the message into the local eventlog, if needed. This avoids an uncounted number of EventLog instances [one for each EventCollector].
  • The EventCollector.Config.StaticConfig should get a new property:Note, which allows an admin to make an annotation the the configuration of a specific computer.
  • Add a new property, which allows to delete the remote eventlog[s], after all events have been read.
  • Create a configuration-helper program, which uses a given datasource and creates the xx.Collector.Static.config file from it, setting all values to the templates defaults and using only the computernames from the datasource.
  • EventlogCollector:Add methods to modify [add/del] partial filter conditions for a collector including to necessary behavior on this [which would be necessarily a stop/start sequence].
  • FilterConditions should become enhanced to have an additional <note> element which describes why.
  • EventlogCollectorViewer:Try to inject the TableHeadMirror into the original document and try, if cloneNode is then working!
  • A separate exe-tool should be developed to allow administrators to remove registered eventsources on remote machines. This is easier, than handling all the possibilities [as there are:Computer no longer present in the configuration;Computer currently not reachable etc.]
  • The larger methods inside the EventCollector class should become static methods. This would reduce the memory requirements while loading a large number of EventCollector objects.
  • Implement all state-changes according the the now implemented state-pattern.
B2 2004-Mar
  • In the EventCollector, based on System.DirectoryServices, a generic EventCollector.CheckDestinationReachable method will now be provided to remove the very ugly EventCollector.IsEventSourceRegistered which implicitely has provided this status!!! This new method has to respect an established secure channel!!!!
  • Because the does not contain any WIN32-based security mechanisme, establishing a secure channel to a remote box, for which credentials have to be specified, must be based on System.DirectoryServices which allows to specify username and password. In the context of a secure channel build on this type of connection, the reachability of the box can be properly determined and also the necessary EventSource can be created [It is always assumed, that the running identity is an administrator at the destination!].
  • Implement a more clean state in the EventCollector class.
  • Implement the first version which works as a NT Service.
    This plan is delayed into the april, because of my inability to maintain the proper state and reconnecting-algorithme in the EventCollector.
@-0 2004-Feb
  • Check, which configuration-related classes are useful for the other components of this application also!Regard:If currently two instances of the EventCollectorService are running, the DBWriter needs not only possibly other queues, it also possibly needs another database and/or another table inside this database!!!!
  • Remove the delayedAutoStart from the Collector's static configuration;This is not necessary.
  • THINK about the influence of different times on the computers to watch and also about working over different timezones!!
  • Implement the statistics.
  • Implement the initial reading of events stored in a .

    Notes:This must be started, after the query was started successful, because this gives the timestamp for the latest event to pull. The timestamp for the first event must be obtained from the lastMessageReceivedTS of the CollectorStatisticsItem.

  • Check, if all nt-service-names could be defined dynamically.
  • Reduce number of namespaces, reduce number of files.
  • Apply new names to files and for the web, folders also.
  • CollectorService:The whole initializing of the timer-procedures must move from the constructor to the Init() method.
  • Implement unique eventlogging mechanisme.
  • ECS.CollectorService:Implement clear re-animation for failed collectors.
  • In console-mode, a separate config-file must be provided as commandline parameter. This ensures a secure way to have both versions running concurrently.
  • Looks into my mailbox and/or on MSDN. There was an article, which points out how to use MSMQ and not loosing the messages in the case of a computer shutdown. It looks like using transactional queues is not necessary!!!
    According to (sample) a message can be persisted by:
    Message recoverableMessage = new Message();
    recoverableMessage.Body = "Sample Recoverable Message";
    recoverableMessage.Recoverable = true;
    MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\$private\Orders");
    So it looks like, one do not need a transactional queue!!!! The code essence is as follows:
    MessageQueue msgQ = new MessageQueue(@".\private$\Orders");
    msgQ.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Recoverable = true;
    msgQ.Send("This message will be marked as Recoverable");
  • Implement the other eventhandlers for the management query:Disposed and Stopped and see, what they are for .... ;-)
@-1 2004-Jan
  • Apply global filters, enhanced error-trapping and better re-animation mechanisme.
@-2 2003-Dec
  • Split the service-application, the server-service and the collectors in separate classes and modules.
@-3 2003-11-12
  • Implement a rudimentary basic version, which shows just some ideas.

mb, jan 2004, manfred.braun@manfbraun.de